Sponsorship opportunities

how your company can get involved

What is a Sponsor of the Month?

Crayons to Computers primarily operates on the time of volunteers. However, we need continued financial support in an effort to further support our small full-time staff salaries and other overhead costs.

What is Crayons to Computers’ goal?

In terms of the sponsors, Crayons to Computers aims to have 10 sponsors of the month annually to help underwrite a portion of our annual operating budget. Thus, a $45,000 investment in Crayons to Computers as a Sponsor of the Month would enable us to further distribute an average of $1,000,000 worth of donated supplies per month to 100,000 tri-state students.

Success of my investment?

Monthly sponsors will receive an extensive report of the outcomes that were made possible from their sponsorship.

Will I be recognized for my sponsorship?

Of course! Crayons to Computers always recognizes the generosity of our Sponsors of the Month through:

• Signs on each shopping cart indicating appreciation to the sponsor for one month.

• A dedicated sign in the store’s checkout area for the month of said sponsor and a place on the Crayons
  to Computers donor wall.

• Inclusion of the sponsor’s name on list for teachers and/or their students to write “Thank You” letters.

• Recognition on our website.

• Upon request, distribution of press release to major local media outlets notifying them of the sponsorship.