Your donations help to keep our free store and mobile outreach program fully stocked while enabling teachers to shop for the items they need for their classrooms! For donation questions, please call 513-482-3290 or email

Donation Hours

MON–THU • 9AM–4PM (or by appointment)
All donations should be made at our loading dock (west parking lot entrance). Call 513.482.3290 for assistance upon arrival.

Items We Cannot Accept

While we appreciate your donations, not all items are ideal for teachers, lawful to distribute or easily stored in—or distributed from—our warehouse. Please refer to our list of items that we generally do not accept. We have provided suggestions for alternate donation sites for you to contact regarding some of the items we do not accept.


Teacher Wish List

Our teacher wish list features the items most needed in our teachers’ classrooms.



We ask that all computer and related equipment be donated to the Cincinnati Computer Cooperative.